It's Pride Month. Woo woo!
I keep seeing posts about how Big Companies are pandering to the LGBTQ+ community, and they only want our money. Well... they are in business. They do want our money. Just shop where you want and buy what you normally buy. You aren't obligated to buy something just because the company is singing Pride and slapping rainbows on their stuff.
That said, I do want you to consider buying from independent artists. Many of us struggle to earn a living, and every sale helps! We're online on sites like Redbubble, Zazzle, and Etsy. Yes, those have become large companies, but they provide the platforms for us to sell merchandise. Even if you don't want to buy online, consider sharing links - especially if it's for something a friend has produced.
Don't limit yourself to online support either. Go to the art market at whatever Pride festival is near you and buy from the artists and craftspeople who are there.
And then, for the rest of the year, think of these artists when you need to buy a gift for someone. You might end up with something that is more special and unique.
I'm gonna leave my links down below. The photos in this post are from various platforms, and hopefully you like what you see. Take Care! Be you and be Proud!
Do you want to be part of the LGBT history? Take part in the LGBT Virtual Pride month activities! Come with us and celebrate the LGBT community. We will let you know about the best ways to participate in pride month.