Happy New Year

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Whether you stay in or go out, I hope you have a safe and fabulous New Year's celebration. I'll be staying in and watching the new episode of Bad Buddy on YouTube, and then read for a bit. I know, so exciting. 😉

I also wish a wonder-full 2022 for everyone!


I've been thinking about what my plans are for 2022. In the near future, I have a day trip to Disney Hollywood Studios with my best friend next week. I've had my booster shot this week, and we will be safe when at WDW. 

Beyond that, I'm hoping to change some of my daily work flow. I will continue with my Thai language lessons, which I feel are going well. I want to incorporate daily study. I also want to grow as an artist. I've been stagnant these past few years, so it's time to work on that. I have all these "how to" art books, and I plan to just start going through them. Even if I don't learn anything new, I feel that just the exercise of working on the projects will help me grow. I also want to get back to drawing a sketch card every day.

I'm also looking to get into making resin pieces. I've got some supplies, so now it's just a matter of getting started. 

I will continue with selling my photography on eBay and eBid. I had NO photo shoots this past year, and I'm hoping to get back to that in 2022. If you are interested in beefcake / male erotic photography, you can check out my photos at https://stores.ebay.com/korokstudios and https://www.ebid.net/us/users/dynakor/listings/ Photos are on sale until 3 January. On eBay, you will also find some of my sketch cards, as well as other items for sale.

I am also still working towards my goal of going to Thailand. I've set a deadline for mid-2022. Now, I logically know that I probably won't make that, BUT I need something to work towards. Deadlines can always be changed.

I also want to set aside time each day to get some writing done. I've gotten behind, and I need to get back to writing my Knights Of Sun And Star series. You can read the first four on your Kindle here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08S2XJF11 I'm enjoying writing these stories, and I don't want to get behind on them. 

In addition to all of that, I plan to keep walking and working on my health and weight loss. I've been at a bit of a standstill these past few months. I'm still walking, which sometimes poses a problem to me. I feel that it takes a chunk out of my day when I could be working. I need to resolve this a little. I do make myself not work in the evening. As they say, all work and no play... Back to health though, I want to lose an additional 10 pounds at least. I want to get myself below 200lbs. I'll be working on that.

That's all for now! Thanks for being here and reading my musings and updates, and putting up with my posts about my art-for-sale. I appreciate you being here, and hope you continue to stick around in 2022.

Take Care! Happy New  Year!


