I weighed myself over the weekend, and I hate to admit that I put back on a couple of pounds. It's not too bad. I just need to keep my focus on my weight loss goals and keep working towards them. I'll admit, I've been a little off-track, so this week I will work on getting back on-track.
This week will also see me getting new "teeth". I have been having work done on my upper back left teeth. I had lost a tooth up there, many many years ago. The two on either side have had root canals, again many years ago. One of the teeth had a temporary filling. This work was meant to be done early in 2020, but Covid hit. At that time, the dentist office cancelled all appointments, and it just took a while for me to get back on track. Before I went up to NC at the end of July, the filling came out. Anyway, I am getting a crown on the tooth with the filling, and a new crown on the back tooth. This will be a triple tooth piece, as the piece in-between will fill the gap where I lost a tooth. Yay! I'll be glad to have this done. I've been wearing the temporary crown / bridge, and while it's fine, it doesn't feel as good as the permanent piece will.
Not much going on with my creative projects lately. I've mostly been spinning my wheels with eBay and eBid, as well as attempting to promote my Society6 store. https://society6.com/koreywatkins I have started to write about my weight loss journey, and I hope to have that done and published to Kindle/Amazon by Halloween. From there, I'll work on my fifth Knights story. I have many, many story ideas, and I hope that I can get into a good rhythm of writing so that I might get to share many of them.
Nothing new going on with my photography. My last shoot was sometime in 2020. I'll admit that I took a break from trying to find new models, and it felt good to be out of that hustle. I have since posted casting calls again, and contacted some of the models I've worked with for new shoots, but nothing has turned up. I still want to work with male models, but at the same time, I want to do other things as well. I've long wanted to do some travel photography, and I think I might start exploring Jacksonville as if I were a tourist and taking a lot of photos.
I did recently draw up some sketch cards. YAY! It's been a long time since I've done any of that. I drew Gunsmile (Thai actor I like), golden-age heroes Atlas and Pat Patriot, and Wildcats I and II. They turned out well, and the Wildcat cards have already sold. I need to start work on another batch.
So, I mentioned "Purpose" in the title of this posting. I often read articles about how to make money from blogging. One of the keys is to have a focused blog: a cookie blog, for example. That said, I feel this blog can be all over the place. That's because the purpose of this blog is to write about my life and what's going on. Honestly, if this blog earns money, I want it to be from my readers following a link to my eBay page, or my Society6 store, etc... and buying what I create. That said, when I create, I do it for myself. I'm taking the photos I want to see. I'm drawing or painting what I want. I create the music I want to listen to and write the stories I'd like to read. I hope that others like what I do as well.
So, that's all I have to say at this time. I hope you like this blog, as well as my creative output. I'll keep plugging away at things and sharing my life here.
Take Care. Stay Groovy!
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