It's been awhile...

Sorry about that. I think about updating this blog, but it often gets away from me. So, here are the updates...

 I went up to NC with my nephew at the end of July / beginning of August. We went to visit my niece and sister-in-law (his cousin and aunt). It was a good trip, and we had fun. We went to an art museum, and ate at a kind of food court that was awesome! We mostly hung out at the house and had food delivered. It was a fun time though. I didn't take many photos, but here are a few:


I did gain back some weight on that trip. I regained about five pounds, which I have shed since. I'm now trying to get rid of that last five or six pounds. I see my doctor next week, and I'm hoping to have it done by there. Next week is also my 52nd birthday, and I see the doc the day after. Yay! 

I'm almost done writing my fourth story in the Knights Of Sun And Star series. Sorry it's taken so long. I get distracted by doing the work that pays (eBay). While I get sales off Amazon / Kindle, they don't compare to eBay earnings. >sigh< Hopefully that will change one day. I hope to have this new story up by the end of next week... sooner if  possible! You can check out the first three stories here: 

And for those who want to read, but don't want to read on the Kindle... I do plan to have a physical version available down the road. Once I complete a story arc, I will look at publishing a collection, possibly with some additional material. 

A new all-over t-shirt is available in my Etsy store!



Other than the above, I've mostly been working on eBay, trying to clean some (goal is to pack up a lot of stuff and take it to storage), and I'm watching too much tv at night. I watched 'Making The Cut' on Amazon Prime, and loved it! Both seasons were amazing! I also really enjoyed the Thai series 'Golden Blood' on YouTube. Enjoyable story. I also recently got some new t-shirts for myself with my favourite Thai actor, Gunsmile! They just arrived today and I can't wait to wear them! That's one of the things I've been wanting for my birthday: a video greeting from Gunsmile. I want something like what you would get from I've tried to find a similar site for Thailand, but no luck. I tried to send a direct message on social media, but had the wrong account. I had his fan club instead, and the account that's him... I don't know if it really would be him or not. I've also emailed the production company he works for, but no response. I guess it's not meant to be.  Maybe I'll try again... but I'm afraid of coming off like "stalker fan". >sigh<

Not much else to report at this time. I'll try to post again soon, maybe around my birthday so I can report on the doctor's visit and did I make my weight loss goal.

Take Care! Stay Groovy!


  1. The "work that sells" that I mentioned above is my beefcake photography, found at Just a bit of info for those who are interested.


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