The September 21st Update

Sorry that it's been a couple of weeks. 

 This Monday and last Monday, I took Dad to the skin doctor. They removed a skin cancer on his face (last week) and left arm (this week). He can drive himself home after these, but I feel that at 84, he might like to be driven home. It's long and boring because they cut, check to see if they got it all, cut again, and once they have it all, they sew him up and send him home. The time is mainly eaten up while they test what they've cut.

Nothing going on with my weight loss journey. My weight has stayed the same. I've walked back my curfew for evening snacks, though I do find myself munching on trail mix some nights. I no longer have any full-sized Cokes in the house! Yay! I did buy a six-pack of mini cans for Coke Life. Not as good as regular Coke, but fewer calories. I'm not quite ready to give up the Cokes, but hoping to go from every other day to every third day. I have been drinking Sparkling Ice water in place of sodas. Of the seltzer waters I've tried, it's the best one. It actually has flavor! I haven't walked like I should, so I need to work on that.

 I'm still obsessed with the Thai BL dramas! Watched 2Gether and Still 2Gether. Both were amazing! Man (one of the support characters) was my favourite from this! I've also watched TharnType, and am currently watching it's parent series Love By Chance. TharnType was good, but a little dark/twisted in places. It even hit on some of my emotional baggage, but I recognized it and the trigger didn't get to me much. Maybe that baggage has been unpacked and put away. Now, Love By Chance has been good. I find the main love story to be very sweet. Part of the appeal of these series for me, which is similar to the appeal of Archie Comics, is nostalgia for an experience I never had. My love life has never been very good (some of it my fault and some of it chance), and my longest relationship wound up being not what it should have been. But, one never knows. I'm only 51... not dead yet!

I really did find Man from 2Gether to be an ideal.... not just what the actor looks like, but who the character was. He does look adorable in the shark costume though!

I have some new products available in my Etsy store - facemasks and boxer briefs! Check out the designs, with more coming, at

I'm afraid that's all I have for you right now. Take Care! Have a Groovy Week!

