My weight loss journey continues. My weight really hasn't changed, but I still feel like I made progress this week. First, I did the walking-to-lose-weight thing 10 years ago. It took 5-6 weeks before pounds started to drop off, and my eating wasn't very good then. I still managed to lose 20+ pounds in 4-ish months.
I feel I made progress because I did manage to walk this week, and this morning I got out in the yard and did some work. The work (weeding, cutting back) is over-whelming, but if I can get out in the yard at least once a week I can tame it some and work off some weight. Of course, right now, I'm wiped out from it!
I got my 2Gether The Series t-shirt at last! It actually arrived a couple of weeks ago. That first shirt, when it came out of the first wash looked like I had had it for a decade! I contacted RedBubble customer service (via email, on a weekend) and within an hour they had emailed back that a new shirt is on the way and that I can donate the bad one. I've had this happen once before, many years ago. Sometimes the printing on a dark shirt just doesn't take like it should. I was happy that the problem was solved so easily, and will be happy to buy from RedBubble again.
You can view my RedBubble shop here: (warning: there is beefcake photography as well as cartoon and abstract art)
I finished watching Theory Of Love the other night. Our upstairs AC is acting wonky, so Mom was downstairs with me. She got into it, and was even in tears during some scenes. Who knew that my 79 year old mother would like Thai BL dramas. 😁😁
Last night I started watching Why R U? Not bad so far. I've also been watching I'm Tee Me Too.
Not a lot else to report. Just been working. I need to change of my work habits. I've been doing the same old thing and expecting the same old results, but that's not been happening. It's past time to work on that. I have projects I want to work on, and I need to devote more time and energy to them than to what's not working as well anymore.
Oh, one last thing. I'm in FL. Our Governor has decided to lift all Covid restrictions. Ugh! I know that cases have gone down some, and like everyone, I long for this to be over. But just because the numbers dipped, doesn't mean it's over. I think end of the year is the earliest restrictions should be lifted. We want to make sure this disease is done with, and also have a viable vaccine and/or treatment in place before we lift restrictions. I'll still be careful and wear my mask when I do go out.
Take Care everyone! Have a great week!
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