I had a good week this past week. Nothing spectacular, but I had a couple of high points...
First, I had my fourth photo shoot with Richard. I am pictured with him above. I enjoy working with Richard, and we get along well at our shoots. This shoot was no exception. We got a lot of good shots, and I have prints on the way! We're talking about going a little further afield in the future... likely the beach will be the first of these. You can check out Richard's photos on eBay and eBid. (NSFW warning)
I turn 50 this year, and I'm lucky to be here. How lucky? In my teen years, I attempted suicide. I'm well over that, but I still struggle with depression issues. Years ago, I was almost killed. I was attacked by someone who was modeling for me. No warning. No reason for it. Obviously, I survived. It's not something I talk about much. I took over a year off, and it was having a couple of friends standing in front of my camera for me that helped get me back in the game. Not gonna let some jerk (who is no longer with us) dictate by his actions against me what I'm going to do. I still have some PTSD issues because of it, and a couple of weeks ago, it was That Time Of Year again. I wasn't really dwelling on it, but I was squirrelly. This led me to having a video message done for me by Max Adler.
I've been a fan of Max since he was on Glee. I watched Switched At Birth (good show), and several of his indie films. He's been on The Flash and Big Bang Theory. I know he's done more, but that's what I know off the top of my head. I found out about this site, Cameo, from one of his tweets.
On Glee, Max played Dave Karofsky. Karofsky was a bully to begin with, but then we learn why... he's hiding that he's gay. Eventually, he's outed and he tries to take his life. Over the series, he comes to terms with himself, and even identifies as a bear. While I was never a bully, I could identify with some of his journey, and I appreciated the bear representation. I'm semi-bearish, even though I don't really fit in. (It's true. I've never fit in anywhere. It's okay. I'd rather do my own thing than get lost in a crowd.)
I will also say that I'd love to photograph Max. I've had the "fantasy" of getting to photograph this actor or that singer before. However, I'm "small time", and can't offer anything that would get the notice of management. I'd still like to photograph Max, including shirtless shots. I'd like to photograph him even if he weren't Max Adler - Actor, but was just some dude named Max.
With these things in mind, I asked him to make me a Happy 50th wearing a tank top or open shirt as a nod to bears and my photography. I told him to do what made him comfortable. He sent me an awesome early 50th birthday (I turn 50 on 26 August.) message. I was very excited when I got it, and very happy with it.
You can check it out here: https://www.cameo.com/v/5cd5741578e4a8014d58a9db
I have always thought that Max seems like an awesome and warm person. I've seen him in enough interviews, as well as social media, to get a sense of that. I know I paid for a video, but I really, really appreciate that he took the time to make me such an amazing video! I'm even thinking about booking a second one when my birthday rolls around.
Aside from these two things, I had my weekly lunch with my best friend, read a couple of good books and a run of a 1970's comic, worked, worked, and ran errands. So, that's that for now. On this blog, I often talk about losing weight, walking, etc... I didn't get any further in that department, but have held on to the weight I got down to earlier this year. I will improve.
Next weekend is MegaCon in Orlando. Looking forward to that. I will take some photos while I'm there, hopefully more this year than the past couple of years.
Take Care! Stay Groovy!
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