Walking Progress... and a Loot Crate!

So, it's been a week. It wasn't a bad first week, but it wasn't the best either.

I walked four days in a row, an hour per day. It was getting easier on day four. On day five, I was busy, and by the time I got free to walk, it started raining. Okay, that's gonna happen some times. Day six, I woke up feeling ill. Either I had the beginning of a cold, or my sinuses were irritated from the temperature change. I felt crummy, and didn't walk. I did jump on it and take some Zicam. Day six (Sunday) was the same thing. I felt a little better, but still didn't feel up to a walk.

Yesterday, I woke with my back in pain. I think I must have twisted some during the night. It calmed down some, but still hurt some. I DID walk yesterday though. I only walked for half an hour. I just ran out of gas. But, I got out and walked. Today, my back feels better (but not completely great), and I plan to walk. I'm still feeling effects from the cold as well, but I plan to walk. I want to get back to the hour a day.

I weighed myself this morning, and I'm at the same weight I was last week. No big surprise. Even if I had walked every day, I wouldn't have expected any real weight change this week.

The other day, I got my first Loot Crate. I was giving it a try. I took advantage of the sales they were having in December. I have to say, for what I paid and what I got, I was pleased. With the exception of the comics, none of it was anything I'd buy for myself, but I'm happy to get the items. I got a Bat-villains collage t-shirt (pictured above), a Batman plushie, socks (Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman), and two comics. Not bad. I have a Wizarding World crate heading my way a little later on, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's in that.

If you're interested in Loot Crate, please follow my link and help me earn towards future crates. I appreciate it!

That's it for now! Take care, and Thank You for reading!
