Mid-month progress report...

I hate to admit it, but I've been depressed as hell the last couple of days. If you ask me why, I wouldn't be able to tell you. All I've mostly been doing is re-reading books. But, I'm ready to come out of that. That's part of why I'm writing a mid-month update on my goals.

I'm still working my way through a book called the Four Hour Work Week, and trying to apply advice where possible. The best thing from it so far has been cutting back my news and Facebook consumption. I'm really trying to avoid news right now - most of it just pisses me off, and serves no purpose because it either doesn't affect me directly, or there is nothing I can do to affect it. I don't want to be completely ignorant, and I want to do what I can, but there's only so much news anyone can handle. I've also pulled back from Facebook. I did a week plus of no FB, except for checking private messages. Now, I post some again, and look at the news feed a little, but I've cut way, way, way back.

I've done some walking recently. Not where I want to be with that, but getting a start is better than sitting on my ass saying "I want to go walking" and then not doing it. I've also cut my soda consumption to one a day, and kept it there. My next goal is to tackle my night-time snacking and cut that back. I've also done a little more cooking for myself this past week. Small steps, but small steps often add up and before you know it, you're where you want to be.

I haven't done much creatively. I tackled some sketch cards recently, and they are up at http://stores.ebay.com/korokstudios along with beefcake photos. One card was a commission, and the other was a special request from the same buyer. The third card, of Wonder Woman ally Donna Troy, is available along with other cards.

Nothing else to talk about right now. I have my goals in mind, and I will continue to work toward them. Take Care!
