Chocolate Fudge Cake

So, I found this recipe online a while back, and I'll be honest. I flat out don't remember where it came from. Instead of using my printer to print it out, I hand wrote it. If anyone knows the source, please leave it in the comments.

This cake is easy-peasy to make, and tastes great! Now, I did do something different from the recipe. The recipe calls for melting the icing to make a glaze. The first time I made this cake, I did that. Sadly, I didn't care for the results. This time, I just frosted the cake. Yummy!

So, here goes...

1 Box Chocolate Cake Mix
1 Box Fudge Brownie Mix
4 Eggs
1-1/4 Cups Water
1 Cup Oil
1 Can Chocolate Fudge Icing

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
*Mix the first five ingredients together. 
*Pour into a bundt pan.
*Bake for 50-55 minutes

*Once cake is cool, melt 1/2 the icing  in a small bowl (microwave for 30-45 seconds)
*Drizzle over cake

As you can see, I just frosted the cake. It turned out great! While I often bake from scratch, sometimes it's nice to use a box mix... especially if doctoring it up some.

Have fun with this, and let me know if you alter the recipe any... I'd like to try variations!
