I hope that everyone had a Happy Hallowe'en! Mine was so-so. Not many kids out trick-or-treating, so there's a good bit of leftover candy. Woo woo! 

The last couple of days, I've been working on listing beefcake photos on eBay! You can check them out at:  I had a photo shoot with a new model last week, and some of those are listed, as well as many, many others. 

I haven't started writing yet for NaNoWriMo. I'm still reading over what I wrote last year. Almost done with it tho, and hope to start writing today or tomorrow. I've seen where I need to work on parts of what's been written, but I want to finish the story before I do any rewrites.

That's about all I have to report for you right now. Take care! Have a groovy week!
