Why I left Patreon

The other day, I decided to end my artist account on Patreon. Why? Because I received an email from them saying that they had been hacked. Again. This is the third? fourth time since I started my account there. 

Now, Patreon says no credit card numbers were accessed. They said all our information was safe. I've been paying attention, and haven't noticed any unusual activity, so that's all well and good. However, I do have to think about those who support me. It's not just my information that's at risk, it's theirs as well. I can't have that, so I ended it with Patreon.

Now, on Patreon, my aim there was to support my beefcake photography. If you are over 18, and would like to help out, a $2 donation will get you all the scans for eBay from the previous month sent to you via my Google drive. My email is dynakor@yahoo.com  Contact me first and you can send funds via PayPal or an Amazon e-card. If you would like to support my art and creativity in general, email me and we can set it up. 

If you don't have any funds to send, I would appreciate it if you would share one of my links. Maybe something from my Etsy store, or Society6 page. Links are in the sidebar. Apply this to any artist you like! It's difficult for independent artists to earn a living, and any bit of help is appreciated! 

I'm off for now. Okay, I'm always "off"! ;) It's back to work for me!
