Today is another grey day, after a day full of rain yesterday! Well, according to the weather forecast from yesterday morning, NE FL is in for rain for several days.
With it raining, I decided I would read yesterday afternoon. So, I settled in to finish the Arrows Of The Queen Trilogy (Arrows Of The Queen, Arrow's Flight, Arrow's Fall) by Mercedes Lackey. I love this trilogy, which are the first Valdemar novels. As always, when I read her novels, I was transported to the world of Valdemar. I finished the last book of this trilogy last night, and now the decision before me is: do I go and read other books, or do I continue re-reading more Valdemar novels? I suspect I'll be in Valdemar for a while.
Today, however, I am working on eBay. This morning I signed into eBay and had an offer for free listings. So... I'm listing away. I'll be listing beefcake (ie, semi-nude male) photos, which I know is not to everyone's taste. If you want to check them out, go to I also have some comic art cards up for sale.
If you would like to check out my paintings and bead-work, turn your attention to my Etsy store: I have plenty of affordable art there!
eBay is celebrating their 20th Anniversary this month. I think I've been a seller for most of that time! I think I've been on eBay about 17 or 18 years now, and with PayPal for just about as long. I have changed seller names once, for reasons I no longer remember. eBay was an amazing discovery for me. I had been selling my photography some, but it really opened up an audience for me. Times have changed, and I remain a bit old-school, continuing to sell prints. I do have a few digital offerings, but I stick with the prints. Fortunately, there are still people who collect and want prints instead of just digital downloads.
We recently celebrated Dad's birthday. For the dinner, Mom wanted to cook Shrimp Jambalaya. The recipe has been in our family forever, and I remember Grandma cooking it. It was always a special occasion when it turned up. I ended up doing the cooking of the jambalaya, with direction from Mom. This was my first time cooking this recipe, and it turned out well if I say so myself. A key lime pie (from an OLD cook book of St. Augustine recipes) finished up the meal!
Creatively, I've been working on a custom Mego figure. Sewing up the costume is time consuming, but it's turning out well this time around! This is only my fourth attempt, and I think I finally have it! Knock on wood! I'll be posting photos when the figure is done.
That's about all the excitement of my life for now. Take care, and have a Groovy Day!
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