Today's Walk...

So, I'm trying to get walking again. My goal right now is 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more. I've got the 30+ minutes going, just got to make the frequency. This is a good activity if you're bored indoors during the self-quarantine. Just don't go walking in a big crowd. 

So, on my walk, I ran across a nice little surprise...


  1. Very sexy; it's nice to have the voice and the motion to go along with the image! Half an hour is awesome. I have to work up to your ultimate goal myself, so I'm very impressed by your self motivation. Good job.

    1. Thanks! I need to get back at it. It's been too easy to let it go. I've been so busy lately. I should walk regardless of how much I have to do as there will always be things to do.


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