
It's laundry day again. Don't I look thrilled?

I take clothes to the laundromat because we're on well water, and don't want our stuff turning orange. I then bring it all home, dry it, fold it, iron where necessary, etc... 

Anyway, I haven't posed about my attempts at weight loss in a while. I stepped on the scale, and after it emitted a blood-curdling scream, I saw that I had gained back some weight. I'm less than thrilled.

I only have myself to blame. I really haven't walked like I should have. I have gotten out in the yard and done some work, clearing out weeds and taking down some trash trees. The last couple of weeks I've eaten out a little more than I would have liked. I think I may also be stress-eating as well without realizing it.

Well, I know what I need to do. It's time to put on my walking shoes and get walking. I need to cook more for myself, which I haven't been doing either (heating up frozen meals doesn't count as cooking!). I know why I'm stressed, so I need to find other distractions or ways of dealing with it than food. 

I'll be honest, I never expected my weight loss to be "easy". I'm not happy with what the scale had to say this morning, but... it's a new day and I need to move forward. We're all going to fall down or take a step back from time to time. The best thing we can do is be kind to ourselves and move ahead with our goals. Whatever your goals are, stick with them! 

I leave you with some wise words from one of my favourite queens, Latrice Royale. I don't know who did the art or created this image is however, so I can't give them the credit they deserve for turning this quote into an awesome piece of art! (If you know, please leave a comment! Thanks!)
