December rush, rush, rush!

I feel like I'm neglecting the blog, but I've been busy, busy, busy! My Thanksgiving went well, and I had fun shopping with my brother and nephew on "Black Friday". I went shopping with my brother again yesterday, to help him finish up some of his holiday shopping. I tried to finish some of mine as well, but that didn't get done until today. I only have one person left to buy for! YAY! I like to get the shopping finished around this time.

eBay has been given me more free listings to use, so I've been busy listing beefcake photos, as well as some comics and sketch cards. The beefcake photos are where I make my most money, so they get priority. I'm of the "if you don't list it you can't sell it" school of thought, so I like to use up as many listings as possible. Need a beefcake fix? Check out  It's NSFW, so fair warning...

I'm also busy pulling holiday decorations out of the storage unit, driving Mom here and there, doing this, doing that, etc... I feel like I barely have time for myself right now, but I do make time in the evenings to chill out and relax. Been watching Jessica Jones on Netflix, which has been enjoyable!

Not much else to report, but I didn't want anyone to feel that I had completely forgotten this blog. Hoping things will calm down soon, and I can report on something fun soon... like a day trip down to St. Augustine or a new recipe. 

Take Care!
