Walking again

After I came home from MegaCon, I decided that it was time to get serious about walking again. Last week, I set a goal and met it. I walked 3 times, and worked in the yard once (which I count as walk #4). This week, my goal is to walk every day, and the odds have been against me!

On Sunday, I was halfway through my walk, on a loop that I had to complete no matter what, when my right shoe started coming apart. Argh! About 10 minutes later, the sole came completely off. Fortunately, I was less than 10 minutes away from home at the point. I threw the shoes out when I got home. Monday, I bought new shoes. However, it was 100 degrees out, which is a record breaker for this time of year. Where I live, there's a main road with lots of streets off that road. I decided to walk the side streets for my walk, which works out. I'll repeat that today, as it's going to be 100 degrees again. I feel that if I start feeling the heat, walking side streets makes it easy to break off and head home. I've been walking afternoons, and after today, I'm going to shoot for morning walks.

Over the weekend, I had weighed in at 254. This morning I weighed 251. Not a big loss, and I won't count it as one until I weigh in again next week. I try to only weigh myself once or twice a week. Weight can go up and down on a daily basis, so I don't want to worry about the daily weight. I also don't really count weight as lost until it stays at the number (or lower) for two weeks. 

I've been wanting to make changes this year, and got off-track early on this year. I deal with depression, and that didn't help me with getting back on track. I turn 50 in late August, so I'd like to have some of those changes going for me. Walking regularly is a good beginning. I need to deep clean my personal space next, and will work on that. I also want to work on my daily work & creative schedule. These things take time, and I don't want to rush in all at once. Some of what I want, I do need to research some before working on the change. I'll get there, bit by bit.

On a positive note, I had the money to schedule a mini-trip to Disney World for my birthday. I'll be down there for three nights and two days. I'm looking forward to it. I'll be on my own, and it's been a while since I've been to Disney on my own.

Anyway, that's it for the time being. If you haven't done so, please vote for my new t-shirt design "Proud To Be Me" (see previous post). It would really help me out. Have a Groovy Week!
