More rough times...

So, August has been a bit of a rough ride so far.

I had intended to use this month to do some self work. I want to make some changes in how I earn money, the work I'm doing, get some more writing and art in, etc... That seems to have gone out the window as I haven't been able to do much self work.

Uncle Bob (Dad's brother) passed away at the end of July. He was in his late 80's, and had several health issues. My sister-in-law & niece came down for the funeral. I saw several cousins I haven't seen in years at the funeral. The service was very nice, and afterwards we all congregated at one of Uncle Bob's favourite places for lunch - Bono's Barbeque. Unfortunately, Dad was ill the day of the funeral. He did attend the service, but did not go to lunch afterwards.

About two weeks later, we found out why Dad had gotten sick. Last weekend, I took him to the emergency room early Saturday morning. He had to have his appendix out. So, that was done, and he was released late the next day.

Yesterday, we had the follow up with his surgeon. His gall bladder needs to come out. That is set  for a couple of weeks off... about a week before Dad's birthday. Dad had been improving since the ordeal with his hand. He was driving again, and starting to see improvement with his hand use. Now, this hits. I'm back to driving both parents everywhere, which is fine. I want to do my best in taking care of them.

The self work I wanted to do? I feel to exhausted most days to work on the changes I want to make. Right now, I'm just going on as best I can, and I will work those changes in.

Next week is my birthday. I will turn 48. 

Off I go. There's work to be done, errands to be run, etc... I will work harder at keeping this blog updated, and will hopefully have some more interesting posts in the near future.
